Thursday, January 17, 2008

Transplanted Ex-Mets Update: The Joe McEwing Era has ended

Tell Cooperstown to start etching the plaque.  Metsblog passes along word that Joe McEwing has hung up his cleats.  Somewhere, Tony LaRussa is having a whiskey sour in his honor. 


Whenever I hear McEwing's name, I think of when my buddies and I had the Sunday pack in the loge section, and behind us sat this husband and wife pair who had an unhealthy obsession with McEwing. "JOOOOOOOOEEEEEEYYYYYYY!!!" they would scream like loons at the guy, over and over and over again.  "Best player on the team!," they insisted, while the guy took a mini bat and banged it on the metal railing, incessantly.


ONE TIME McEwing got a big hit after their chanting, and in response the clown remarked "See? It pays to be rude."

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